Thanks to Oskar Fuhlrott for taking the initiative recently on a German translation of the Macroeconomic Balance Sheet Visualizer, currently hosted with permission on his site:
Makroökonomischer Bilanz-Visualisierer
Also, last year I was remiss in not sharing the link to a nicely done trailer on youtube that fistfullproduction created as a video teaser for the EconViz tutorials:
A Visual Guide to The Economy, by hbl
Thanks to both, and as always thanks to the many others who have shared links to EconViz with others! A secondary benefit of this is that for quite some time, How the Economy Works – A Visual Tutorial has been ranked #2 or #3 on google searches for how the economy works and how economy works!
I also happened to test one of the EconViz narrated tutorials in Firefox and realized that the audio was freezing before it started playing on both Firefox and Internet Explorer! I don’t know for how long and for how many people this has been broken (it used to work), but I’ve put in what I hope is a workaround for the problem (it seems to work for me). If you run into any problems please let me know!